Saturday, November 5, 2011


 If you didn't read my other entry...I have been without power for a while, so please forgive the delay on announcing this winner!  The Winner for the adorable yellow baby fingerless gloves from Two Blue Buttons is...........



Please contact Thea at her shop for details on how to claim your giveaway prize!!!!  Thank you so much to Two Blue Buttons (Thea) for your AMAZING and GENEROUS giveaway!!!!  Check her shop out for great stocking stuffers and Christmas gifts or winter wear. 


 Below is the list that was randomized by and choose the winner

List Randomizer

There were 25 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. melanie 1
  2. calger63 4
  3. Rebecka Lozano3
  4. melanie 2
  5. Rebecka Lozano2
  6. dana b 3
  7. Francesca 3
  8. Francesca 2
  9. Rebecka Lozano4
  10. rebecca 3
  11. calger63 1
  12. uk7ss
  13. dana b 4
  14. rebecca 4
  15. calger63 2
  16. Rebecka Lozano1
  17. rebecca 1
  18. all wired up too2
  19. calger63 3
  20. dana b 1
  21. dana b 2
  22. mvegan
  23. rebecca 2
  24. Francesca 1
  25. all wired up too 1
Timestamp: 2011-11-05 17:12:03 UTC

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