Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Congrats to the WINNER of the KyandKin giveaway!!!

First I have to say I usually do giveaways on Wenesdays and Saturdays and a few Fridays as more and more people are wanting to join in the fun.  Today, I was going to feature petitetuques... , I am going to have to post the giveaway tomorrow, Thursday.  Check back then for the giveaway and in the meantime, check out her site!!!  Great things for Fall and Winter!
Here is the list that randomized for the winner of the Kyandkin adorable headband!  Here is what did with the entries, once I put them into the randomizer...I cut and pasted it below:

List Randomizer

There were 14 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. Calger63
  2. Trisha
  3. nancy
  4. Maegan Morin
  5. sarah crawford
  6. The Raudenbush Family
  7. Erin Foll
  8. nancy
  9. Sandi Potempa
  10. Sandi Potempa
  11. Erin Foll
  12. Trisha
  13. sarah crawford
  14. The Raudenbush Family
Timestamp: 2011-09-29 02:53:36 UTC

Please go to her kyandkin's etsy shop and convo her that you won the giveaway here on my blog to claim your prize!!!

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